為什麼要翻譯 Java Magazine?

Du Spirit
Java Magazine 翻譯系列
3 min readApr 27, 2024


最近發現我看動畫的時間變少了,相較之下前幾個月動畫看蠻兇的,主要是開始寫閒談軟體架構和翻譯喜歡的 Java Magazine 佔去不少時間,但為什麼要做這些事呢?我想了一下,當初開始翻譯 Java Magazine 是因為裡面某些文章我蠻喜歡的,所以我就寄信問 Java Magazine 的主編,是的,我真的寄信給主編,然後主編也真的回信了:

Thank you for your patience. We do allow translation of the articles in Java Magazine.

Oracle has the following requirements, which I expect you will find fairly standard.

The translation needs to be faithful to the original. It must state the original article’s title, that it appeared in Java Magazine, including the date of the issue and the page number. It should also state Oracle’s copyright. Finally, the article should have a link back to our home page, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javamagazine/index.html

For example, if you were to translate the article on Jython in the current issue, we’d expect to see this:

Translated from “Jython 2.7 Integrating Python and Java” by Jim Baker and Josh Juneau, Java Magazine , November/December 2015, page 43. [link here] Copyright Oracle Corporation.

If you keep me informed when you post translations, we will let our readers know.

Please let me know if you have any questions now or in the future.

Again, thank you for your interest in Java Magazine. I look forward to seeing the articles in Chinese!

Andrew Binstock

從那時候開始,只要有喜歡的文章就會翻譯,沒興趣的就隨風去吧,翻了一陣子後,相較於另一本線上雜誌 DNC Magazine,每一期 Java Magazine 的每篇文章不管喜不喜歡都有看完,也讓我學到蠻多新東西的,變成一種敦促自己學東西的方法。

最近,在 google 技術知識時,發現簡體中文的比例越來越高了,雖然本來就不期待會找到正體中文相關的文章,但總覺得台灣在技術分享這件事上,好像沒有很熱烈,讓我想到上周參加老闆學校講座最終場《2016年, 老闆,我想做遊戲可以嗎?》的會後,也聽到一位前遊戲業界人士與講者的談話,在 DOS 和早期 Windows 時代時,台灣遊戲公司就那麼幾家,彼此之間保密防諜,沒什麼技術交流,相關人才的數量自然就不會成長,他覺得像這樣的分享很好。這大概也是讓我覺得翻譯 Java Magazine 這件事,除了讓自己的進步外,對正體中文的技術類分享能多一點幫助,即使只有一點點也好。

